I was going to title this “Hole-COW?!” (holy cow) because that’s what my ds called it after his fist bite! This is really delicious. Most of this recipe came from the cookbook Cook with Jamie. The rest came from a chat with Paxye. She’s always great for bouncing ideas off of.

Orange Rosemary Roast Chicken

Orange Rosemary Roast Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes and Asparagus

  • Whole Chicken (preferably local, non medicated… sometimes I use two smaller chickens)
  • 1 Orange
  • 3 sprigs Rosemary
  • Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1 bunch Asparagus
  • 1 package Cherry Tomatoes
  • 3 Potatoes and any other you want to add to the dish
  1. Preheat oven to 400′
  2. Rinse and pat dry chicken. Place on roasting rack (I use chopped carrots in a casserole or roasting dish).
  3. In a small bowl mix butter and some orange zest together. Slide fingers under the skin of the breast to separate it from the meat. Rub the butter mixture under the skin and directly on the breast.
  4. Juice the orange. Pour the juice into the chicken along with at least one side of the used orange shell and a couple sprigs of rosemary. Lastly rub some olive oil all over the chicken’s skin.
  5. Put in the oven and cook for about 1 hour or limbs tear easily from body or juice runs clear from the legs or the inner temp is 160′.
  6. Chop all veggies (except the cherry tomatoes) and toss in a bowl with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. I then put the veggies in another casserole dish.
  7. Roast in the oven with chicken. Add the cherry tomatoes halfway through cooking.

Fresh Orange Juice

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3 Responses to Orange Rosemary Roast Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes and Asparagus

  1. lisa says:

    This almost makes me want to eat chicken, your photos are delicious, being a vegetarian that’s a huge compliment! ;)

  2. lisa says:

    HA! I know I’ve been a little hyper lately in the blogging world. Somedays, I have so much to say, others not a thing. I would love to see photos of the gold hunt! I thought I subscribed the other night to your site, but I haven’t seen it in my inbox. I’ll try again. Oh, yes, I too believe we could be distantly related. :)

  3. Annie says:

    We’ve been eating a bit of meat since I was pregnant with Leif. We don’t eat it often but do enjoy a bit here and there.

    My Leif is still small enough that I have about 18 drafts *almost* ready to post but for a few additions! Gah! Sometimes it takes a couple days to get a post complete! Sometimes longer. I’ll definitely do a post sharing your treasure hunt idea. It’s such a great one!

    Seriously Lisa, you look eerily like more than one woman in my family!

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