I was finally able to set up the registration feature to my blog. This has offered me the ability to share more private posts with a smaller amount of people and not just anyone that clicks through. I’ve already published a couple private posts I had sitting as drafts for some time. I’ll be adding more as time goes on including some more private birth photos.


To register click here.


I’m enjoying my visit with Paxye and can’t wait to share some photos and get back in the swing of blogging.

2 Responses to Register to my blog!

  1. Andrea says:

    hi there. I just subscribed to your blog, so I thought it’d be appropriate to introduce myself as well. I found your blog through paxye’s blog after I saw her speak on childbirth at a festival here in Montreal last summer. I was pregnant at the time, and now have an 8-month old daughter. I enjoy reading your thoughts on parenting. Thanks!

  2. Annie says:

    Thanks for commenting and great to meet you Andrea! I remember when Paxye was going to speak at the festival. I’m glad she put herself out there to talk about a subject that can take a lot of criticism.

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