2008 was kind to us, with plenty of time with friends, family adventures and personal growth. I’m really looking forward to 2009.

Some of the things 2009 will bring: swimming lessons, highland dancing, dear friends excepting little ones, Leif turning 2, Lily turning 6, more broom busting, riding bikes, hiking, exploring the island, car free camping, spending time with friends, continuing to build community, hopefully some travel to see friends farther away, farmer’s markets, growing veggies and herbs, Survivor Backyard season 2, milling wood, backyard fort building, tipi possibilities, new recipes, Ant Farm, more yoga, ocean fishing, climbing, blogging into my second year…. There is no end to the things we look forward to in this new year.

Wishing all of you a happy new year too!

5 Responses to Happy 2009!

  1. Sophia Sunshine says:

    Here’s to a great 2009 full of lots of adventures and exciting tales to tell! There definitely needs to be more visiting with friends from afar, community building and activity. I’m gearing up to be in shape to try my first triathlon and would like to get back to yoga too.

    Thanks for your recommendation of sites to look at; I’ve enjoyed reading other peoples perspectives on education, Waldorfy crafts and more. Have a great 2009 and keep the good stories coming!

  2. hen says:

    It’s been lovely virtually meeting you and your family Annie! Warmest wishest for your happiness in this new year!


  3. peggy says:

    Happy New Year!

    And oooh, highland dancing! Wonderful! I was always on the verge of taking lessons when i was young but was just over-the-top shy about it all. I wish I did.

  4. Annie says:

    L- Triathlon?! How amazing! Can’t wait to hear more about that.

    Hen- I’m so glad to have met you too. I love your blog!

    Peggy- You so look like someone who would have been a highland dancer! I took lesson for a short while when I was young but with other dancing classes, I guess it didn’t excite me as much. Highland dancing is so much cooler than ballet or tap! What was I thinking?

  5. sarah says:

    great photos!! happy new year!

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