Follow up from this and that

So finally after two years of coveting my own Xtracycle, it’s getting shipped out to me today via Greyhound bus from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Thanks, Jonathan at Escape Sports for all your help!

We have some leftover maple plywood from making our own Happy Hangup when Leif was brand new and we’re going to use it to make a new snap deck with built in kid’s seats. We got the idea from this picture:

Just need to order four snap deck bolts from Xtracycle and get some sling material for shoulder harnesses and stirrups. We also need to make some modifications to some old bike parts to make a handle bar for hanging on to.

Can’t wait for it to get here!

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14 Responses to Xtracycle on it’s way!

  1. aaholliman says:

    Congrats. I just got my Xtracycle a few days ago and I already love it. I rode my mom to the grocery store and she loved it too.

    Once I get my Peapod I will be all set. Too bad they are back ordered until August!

  2. Annie says:

    Awesome! Are you blogging and have pictures?

    I didn’t know the pea pod was back ordered! I was going to get one for my under two year old but then I still have to figure something out for five year old. Sure she can just sit on the snap deck but for long distances I think that might be too much for her. That’s why we’re going to make ourselves a two seater kid seat thing. I have a chariot stroller but don’t want to have to always use it.

  3. Annie says:

    Oh and thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I love comments and “meeting” new people!

  4. Sophia Sunshine says:

    Congratulations! Funny that at about the time you wrote your first post about this I was flipping back in Simon Whitfields blog and found his picture of their new bakfiet. So cool

  5. Annie says:

    Those bakfiets remind me of the bikes we road at Fort Steele. Did you see those? We sure could fit a lot on the flat beds and baskets and of course the kids love to ride on them!!

  6. Matron says:

    Two of my blogging friends regularly blog about their Xtracycle.. have a look on my links for Coffee Waffle and The Stan Files.

  7. paxye says:

    So exciting!!! I can’t wait to see the pics when you get it!!

  8. dancing dragonfly says:

    Sooooooooooooooo excited for you. Can’t wait to see it, and then maybe get my own!! My only concern is the crazy drivers and the hills!!!
    Really happy for you Annie, you totally deserve it!

  9. dancing dragonfly says:


  10. Annie says:

    I know, I know! I have pictures and just haven’t found the time to post them! :D

  11. Swa says:

    I know this is a bit older, but I have been searching for exact dimensions for making our own Happy Hangup, and I just can’t seem to find any information.
    Would you mind sharing how you made this?
    I particularly would like to know the dimensions of the fabric.
    Many greetings from the Maritimes! :)

  12. Annie says:

    Oh gosh, this is old! I’ll have to see if I can find the darn thing. It’s in my basement I think! We guess from looking at pictures online. I even tried to find a picture of ours without luck. I’ll get back to you! :)

  13. Andrea says:

    Annie, I have also been scaling the internet to find the dimensions to make a happy hangup. If you can help Swa, I would love it if you could help me out too. Love your beautiful blogging btw.
    Love Andrea x

  14. Annie says:

    Oh Andrea, I still haven’t found our version of the hh in the basement yet. I can’t imagine that we don’t have it still. I’m writing a note for myself to get this done!

    Thank you for the reminder!

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