In case it needs to be said, and it appears it does, do not steal my images. Do not ‘pin’ them. If you have come here from anywhere other than the Crafty Crow, you have come from a site that has taken my images without permission.

A quick google search will show you different variations of this beautiful folded flower. This craft happened to be one offered to members at our local museum this past week. Out of all the fun crafts we did, this was my favourite!

Kusudama Flowers

All you need is 5 post-it-notes or 5 squares of paper and white glue.

    1. Fold the bottom corner to the top. This will make a triangle.

Kusudama Flower 1

    1. Fold the left and right corners up to the middle corner. This will make a square.

Kusudama Flower 2

    1. Fold open and flatten the folded up sides. With post-it-notes there will be a sticky side. You may want to use a skewer to help unstick it as you open the folds.

Kusudama Flower 3

    1. Fold the top of the triangles towards you so they are level with the edges of the paper.

Kusudama Flower 4

    1. Fold the triangles on the sides in on themselves.

Kusudama Flower 5

    1. Glue the two folded sides together. You will probably have to hold it until the glue dries a bit. Don’t worry if the petals look a bit “flat”. Once the seams are dry you can push them a bit more round and open.

Pinching the petal while glue dries

    1. When the petals are dry you now glue them together to make a the flower. I like to glue three together and then two and once they are mostly dry, glue them all together.

Glueing one petal to another

Three petals drying

  1. Repeat with the 4 other post-it-notes


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43 Responses to Kusudama Flowers

  1. Magda says:

    Awesome! Thank you Annie! :)

  2. Tai says:

    Ok…those are so cute, but for some reason they totally challenged my ability for my brains and hands to follow step by step direction. I finally got it after several tries! I probably shouldn’t tell people this! LOL

    What did you do with your completed flowers? They are so pretty!

  3. Debbie says:

    Wow Annie…these are beautiful. I can’t wait to try them.

  4. Annie says:


    These flowers are gracing our window sill and in a Lily made bouquet on the table. I think we’ll send a couple to my grandparents with a letter this week.

  5. Bridie says:

    Amber says: “It’s fun!”

    (We’re making them right now…)

    Thanks for a great craft idea!

  6. Renee says:

    Those look great and so easy to make!!! Can’t wait to try to do some and bring a little spring into our home!!!

  7. petite says:

    thanks for this great idea!

  8. Robin says:

    Very cute and just in time to decorate Easter baskets….Thanks!

  9. Cheryl says:

    These are so cute, my daughter will love them!
    Now I have to go buy some different coloured post-it notes…

  10. Valerie says:

    ok I’m hopeless at origami
    I absolutely want to try these !!!

  11. meggiecat says:

    Love these flowers. Thank you.

  12. Rachel says:

    Wow, these are gorgeous! I would love to link to this if you didn’t mind. I love paper flowers.

  13. Rein says:

    These are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  14. Annie says:

    Thanks everyone! I don’t mind if you want to link to this post. They were so fun to make and the result so pretty.

  15. Godelieve says:

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea!

  16. Lisa says:

    These flowers are so pretty. Thank you for sharing your tutorial!

  17. jailma reis says:

    Oi! essa flor é realmente lindissima, vcs não tem algum modelo de flor de ” pano ” ou de ” fuxico ” quer possa emviar para mim. obrigado! jailma, Bahia- Brasil.

  18. ana amelia says:

    Lindo demais. adorei.

  19. cleide says:

    Que flores lindas!obrigada pelo passo a passo,tenha um bom dia.

  20. Elza says:

    Muito criativas e lindas vou tentar fazer pois gostei muito..



  22. Gigi says:

    These are so cute! I think I might make some for a garland!

  23. susana rebecchi says:

    adoro flores!!!!!!!!quero aprender a faze-las,pode ser papel,tecido,fita,tudo!!!!!!parabens!!!

  24. Cassi says:

    Hi Annie, I would like to use your picture and link to your Kusudama Flower post on The Crafty Crow. Will you let me know if that’s okay? Thanks so much! Cassi

  25. Annie says:

    Thanks for asking, Cassi! That would be totally great!

  26. sieera says:

    so cute! i loved making them!

  27. sierra says:

    so cute!!!!

  28. Bella says:

    Long ago, someone made me an incredibly beautiful flower like this one, with many, many sections joined together. It was made out of newspaper and unfortunately, I forgot how to make it. Imagine how happy I was to come across your blog and instructions. Thank you!

  29. Annie says:

    Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Bella! xx

  30. Great tutorial! Love it. Thanks for sharing

  31. Made some with Post-It notes and some with origami paper. The size and texture of the origami made it easier to work with. I’ve posted this page on my Facebook page. What a fun project!

  32. What I meant was that I posted a LINK to this page.

  33. zinnia says:

    This is a really kool flwr..I am going thro my creative urge stage this week…i hv been doing ppr craft all week long after coming bck frm wk..:)..this helped me make my week…thnx

    just wanted to share a tip..i just discovered while doing this flower that the sticking part is the most tricky…:P so i got an idea for it…

    try using office gem clips to stick each petal to itself…the gem clip will hold it in place till it dries and u r free to mk another petal!!!…the same goes for sticking each petal to each it wt a gem clip..:)

    one more thing…try making two leaves using green sticky notes and arrange them wt the flwer…:)

  34. Mònica Buscant Idees says:

    Hola, disculpes per no demanar permís però sempre poso la font d’on he tret el recurs.
    Aprofito per dir-te que tens un blog fantàstic.

    (Hi, sorry for not asking permission but always put the power where I shot the resource.
    Take this opportunity to tell you that you have a fantastic blog.
    Thank you.)

  35. Annie says:

    All the same, I’d like you to remove my text and images from your site.

    I specifically state on my blog sidebar: “Please don’t take content or images from my blog without my permission.”

    Thank you.

    De tota manera, m’agradaria que em tregui el text i les imatges del seu lloc.

    Jo en particular l’estat del meu barra lateral blog: “Si us plau, no prendre el contingut o imatges del meu bloc sense el meu permís”.


  36. Mantha says:

    Why exactly do you not want people to use your Pinterest or Tumblr? It’s definitely a form of flattery.

  37. Annie says:

    Thank you for asking, Mantha. I am not a user of Pinterest or Tumblr.

    I have written about this exact subject here:

    Flattery is “excessive or insincere praise that is given to further one’s own interests”, so yes, I agree it is flattery. Flattery that I neither need nor appreciate.

  38. jen says:

    i used the little part of the pen to hole the paper still while it dried and then went on to make the others.

  39. Jordyn says:

    Thank you so much!!! Using them to decorate my bestfriends birthday card!!!!! turned out beautiful!!! great instractions!!!!

  40. Heath says:

    Thank you! So much fun to build. I just made 12 as workplace Valentines :)

  41. Vaishali says:

    Awesome stuff, was very helpful with a craft project…used them on a gift box and it transformed it completly.Thank you for this wonderful idea, look forward to seeing more :)

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