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I love comments and discussion! Thank you for taking the time to share back with me what you think.
What I Write About…
- Birth
- Breastfeeding
- Climbing
- Crafting
- Cycling
- Deeg
- Diaper Free
- Etiquette
- Everyday Living
- Friends
- Gardening
- Health
- Hiking
- Home Learning
- Just a Moment
- Kitchen Cupboard
- Learning by Living
- Natural Living
- Non Violent Communication
- Parenting
- Photography
- Random Musings
- Reading
- River
- Sewing/ Quilting
- The Continuum Concept
- Travelling
- TV Free
- Unconditional Parenting
- Unschooling
- Vegetarian
- Walking
What you say…
- Crystal Smith on Lucy Island
- Lois Montano on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Blue on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Miranda M on My New Husqvarna 2000
- kelly smith on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Klaran on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Jonathan Viinikka on My New Husqvarna 2000
- vicki on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Paulina Brown on My New Husqvarna 2000
- Kylie on My New Husqvarna 2000
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Love it!! That is amazing!!
Gasp! The helmet police are going to get you! *grin*
Oh, those were the days (not long ago… but SO long ago!) when you could jump on and ride, no helmet, and NO lock for that matter because people just didn’t seem to steal bikes back in my “day”. *more grins*
I bought a bike this week and the salesman showed me how to remove the seat and chain it up as well. He says he gets dozens of people in each month to replace $30 dollar seat posts… GAH. I wanna move to the country.
Anyway I LOVE LOVE your set up.
Helmet police? What about the indecent exposure by my daughter?! :D We wear helmets normally though. We were just giving it a whirl.
Hope you post photos on your blog of your bike!