I don’t have much growing outside at the moment. The bulk of my garden is still inside waiting for the weather to get warmer. I’m growing more herbs and flowers than vegetables! Here’s what’s growing inside so far:

Comfry, yarrow, thyme, pennyroyal, arnica, licorice, soapwort, catnip, plantain, wolfberry, pansy, lavender (Sea and Provence Blue), heartsease, wallflower, salvia nemerosa, coreopsis, safflower and red lobelia.

(click to see the plants labelled)

I couldn't get all of it in one shot

My tomatoes are certainly growing taller. I’m growing Pollock, Principe Borghese and Tomatillos. Of course I’m also growing basil (Emily, Martina and Thai), which I’m planning to keep inside most of the season.


We have the perfect spot and windows to build a greenhouse (thanks, Kim!) but obviously haven’t made the time to get that project going yet this year. I’m doubtful it’s something we’ll be able to complete for use this year, but you never know. We have a number of plans for trips and adventures in the spring, summer and fall so the building of a greenhouse may have to be put on hold until we are less busy later in the year.

I have 1000 year old tobacco growing. Dan Jason from Salt Spring Seeds was gifted preserved seeds from a burial site back in 2003. I’m growing this annual out of interest and for the beautiful broad leaves.

1000 year old tobacco

I’m starting my own patch of nettle this year, since I haven’t found a good place to harvest it close to home.


The seeds I was most looking forward to starting are the wild strawberries! I can’t wait to get my own patch established.

Wild Strawberry

My front sun room is bursting with random pots and containers of plants, especially as I continue to repot the growing seedlings. One corner of the sun room houses my bale of potting soil and a tiny table and chairs for working. I love to sit at this tiny table and listen to Lily play the piano on the other side of the window or look out and see the kids play with the ravens and bald eagles circling overhead. From this spot, I can see the huge ships move through the harbour or turn around and see Leify busy building forts with blankets and chairs or drawing portraits, which are his favourite current pastimes. It’s quickly become one of my favourite corners of my home.


How does your garden grow?

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14 Responses to My Garden Is Growing, At Least Inside

  1. Kyrie says:

    Lovely Annie! Wherever did you find comfrey seeds? I’m always on the lookout but haven’t found them yet. And your nettles, too!

  2. Corilee says:

    I love your little mobile in the foreground of the picture. it was great to experience some of what you speak of this past weekend.

  3. denise says:

    Sounds (and looks) just perfect! It may be chilly, but you seem to have a lot of light coming in to those plants!

    I love your plant selections – and how interesting to grow the tobacco!

  4. Dee says:

    Wow…so much life! Wild strawberries…mmmm. We recently took a trip to the nursery and now my kids really want to grow some berries. My garden grows quite well. In fact, my seedlings are now ready to move outdoors.

  5. mb says:

    your starts look lovely! i’m in awe of the tobacco seeds sprouting- isn’t nature incredible?

  6. Annie says:

    Thanks! It’s such a joy to watch them grow.

    Kyrie- You’ll find Richters has just about any herb you’re looking for! My comfry is growing like crazy. They need a lot of water, which isn’t hard to come by here.

    Denise- the light is really good, even when it’s overcast. We’re so lucky to live in a good part of town for light. There are some VERY shady spots here.

  7. Shannon says:

    Wow—LOVE! I think growing is just about the most amazing thing this year. Your plants are really growing big! You JUST reminded me about Richters. A friend just said they sell skunk cabbage seeds! Can you imagine! (if you saw our yard right now you would know why I am saying that) I can’t wait to come see. Also would love nettles so will check Richters for that. I too am surrounded by plants awaiting outside.

  8. k says:

    oh this all looks so great! this is my third spring in our current place, which gets little sun inside and not much more outside (too many tall trees, it’s a rental) and gardening is almost impossible. so i will grow the little i can and live vicariously through others for the rest!

  9. Annie says:

    Shannon- I bet there are people out there that would guffaw at the seeds I’ve paid money for too! I have a lot of nettle seed. You’re welcome to have some. Can’t wait to see you guys too!

    K- despite the lovely light we have coming in the window, we (Prince Rupert) are famous for our lack of sun in general. Most of what I grow does well in little to no light. I suppose I’m lucky that we have at least a little! There is a real charm to shaded spots. I hope your shaded and tree surrounded home is that kind of charming.

  10. erin says:

    They are looking lush, lovely and beautiful! So great that you have adequate light to grow them on in the house, we have smaller windows and where there is great light, there is not somuch room. So the seedlings are tucked away in the garage, and i have to remember to visit them and breathe on them:) Scott waters so I forget altogether they are there at times. I’m much more friendly with the ones growing outdoors!!

    If the dang rain would stop falling and the soil would dry out/warm up a bit so we didn’t have mud cakes falling off of our boots everywhere, I’d begin more outdoor seeding. This is the latest we’ve ever seeded things!!!

    soon right??

  11. Kim says:

    Your seedlings look great!
    We just moved into a new home two months ago that has been neglected for the past five years (the property not the house) so most of our energy will be put into clean up and not so much into growing. Although we do have lots of nettles to harvest and we have a strawberry patch that looks like it might produce this year.
    I was looking through the west coast seeds catalogue and now I’m planning on turning up a section of our weed infested grass (all weeds, barely any grass) and planting a lawn alternative which is all low lying and ground covering wildflowers that dont’ need much attention.

  12. Natalie says:

    Wow, your seedlings are doing so well. It’s nice that you have such a sunny place for them, mine are always so leggy from lack of light.

  13. Jeanine says:

    Beautiful seedlings! I’m so inspired by all the herbs. We’re planting seeds and container growing for the first time and so far so good. Will you plant in the ground eventually or keep them in containers? Cheers and happy mother’s day to you!

  14. Annie says:

    Thank you so much everyone! I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to get them outside.

    Kim- I’ve thought about what we can do with our grass too. I love the idea of low lying wild flower type ground cover!

    Jeanine- I’ll be putting many of them in garden beds but a few will end up in containers. I was lucky to score a whole bunch from the civic pride clean up day. Someone had dumped them where I was picking up.

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