At least coming together enough for this year. By next year I think this calendar will be fantastic.

I plan on putting a numbered backing on each of the pieces and I’m still playing around with how to hang the pieces on the scene. I’m thinking buttons and Paxye suggested embroidery thread loops to hook on the buttons. I also need to make pockets for every day’s addition. Of course this will all be easier once I finish all the pieces. Lily and Leif have been laying out the pieces they’ve collected so far in various ways and it’s fun to watch them.

I have some great ideas for the rest of the collection. The last in particular I’m excited about! I’m committed to one more day and then I need to get ready for a short visit with my dad so I’d like to get as much done as possible before then.

Bees and Hive
Maple Branch with Bee Hive and Bees

Deer and Bald Eagle with Spawning Salmon lunch
DeerBald Eagle with Spawning Salmon

Spotted Owl
Spotted Owl

High Bush Cranberry and Steller’s Jay
High Bush CranberrySteller's Jay


Autumn Douglas Maple Leaves
Autumn Douglas Maple Leaves

Spider web
Spider Web




Next I’m going to work on some ferns (which we pleasantly watched deer eat in our yard yesterday morning) and flying raven.

17 Responses to Coming Together

  1. Wow! This is gorgeous! So much work and so much love! Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Amazing! When did you start this project????

  3. Annie says:

    Thanks!! I’m loving doing it!

    Lisa- I’m so embarrassed! I started this December 1st when I started to draw and cut out the Hemlock Tree. Can you believe I started so late and how much I’ve done in less than a week?! At least it feels like I’ve done a lot of work. My house is a bit worst for wear but we’ve still eaten well and got out for fresh air for at least a short time each day.

  4. Sweet!

    For some reason I has thought you were making one item a day at first and that the hemlock would start off your countdown.

    It might be nice to have all your pieces in a basket that Leif and Lily go to to school the piece they want to put up every day. If you had a board with a bigger piece of felt you could likely just stick each piece up to it…. Just an idea anyway.

    Good luck with the rest of the calendar and your visit with your dad.

  5. Krista says:

    Love it all. Especially the hive.

  6. Stacey S. says:

    I’m so impressed. Your embroidery is great. My favorite is the porcupine. What a treasure you are making.

  7. kristen says:

    Wow!! That’s impressive!! and beautiful!!

  8. paxye says:

    Gorgeous! I love how it is turning out!

  9. Debbie says:

    Oh my, oh my, oh my…GORGEOUS!

  10. Tanis Tomlin says:

    WOW! So talented! This looks amazing!
    I like hearing about your workouts too! Way to go!

  11. Justine says:

    Oh! My!! Gosh!!! That is amazing. You are amazing.

    P.S. My fave is the porcupine too.

  12. Dawn Suzette says:

    Lovin’ those bees with their hive Annie!
    They are all so great. This is a spectacular idea and beautiful to see come together!

  13. Wendy says:

    Oh, I love the beehive and the spiderweb! They’re absolutely fantastic. I’ll have to read back through some of your posts to see if you’ve got info about how you’re doing these and what you have planned.

    Thanks for stopping by my site. I’m excited to have a look around here.

  14. Lindsay says:

    Wow, that is really gorgeous Annie!

  15. dancingdragonfly says:

    Ahhh I just love them and the detail. They look so good and inviting to touch! Woodland wonderland

  16. I am in love with this project. Please keep us updated on how it all turns out!

  17. Lucy says:

    Beautiful work, Annie. Looking forward to seeing the finished result!

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