I’m finally finished a series of books and am taking up my book on Chi Running for dedicated review. As I was reading through the first few chapters I couldn’t stop thinking how this book could very easily be adapted to be about parenting, or birthing or living or… It’s all about getting out of nature’s way and letting what your body work the way it should. It talks about all the ways that we make running more difficult unnecessarily and imparts peace and mindfulness along with the tools needed for simple pain free running. I really think in this day and age we do make life more difficult than it has to be and that it’s possible to make different choices and find the ease and flow in life.
I’m very much looking forward to getting out and practising more Chi Running but I like that forever more, running will bring to mind Chi-Parenting, Chi-Birthing and Chi-Living…
“I really think in this day and age we do make life more difficult than it has to be and that it’s possible to make different choices and find the ease and flow in life.”
So true!!!
Ah, you’re reading that book! Cool. I never got back to it after I started reading a library copy, but it sounded interesting.
Anyway, I love your chi-insight…..my wonderfully wise friend!
Quick comment…you have been taking amazing shots! Beautiful country!
Yes, a chi life. I had a chi sort of day today- I felt myself get out of the way and let the day and the children be- and it was lovely. Thanks for this.