The title “Come and Gone” was taken with my last post but it might have been better suited to this post. The deadline I created for the Wildcraft game giveaway has done just that; come and gone. I arrived home late Monday evening and have been unpacking and getting myself settled in again after our trip to the city and completely forgot about the giveaway. So I apologise for my disorganisation as I extend the giveaway until this Sunday, August 21.
Our visit with an ear, nose and throat doctor didn’t end with a tonsillectomy but we are on the wait list and if the procedure isn’t done here in the fall, then back we will go to the city in the spring to have it done there. The exam was in part more thorough than the one we had here earlier in the year but the doctor was rushed and I didn’t feel like I had enough time to get my thoughts and questions straight. The doctor and I were also not on the same page as to the safety of using corticosteroids. I was uncomfortable with just how casual he was in suggesting they be used. Oh, how I wish I could share in more detail and perhaps have feedback about but it’s late and another day is done here…. more soon.
I really feel for you having that experience with the doctor (i can definitely relate with a’s dental journey!). I hope you find some consideration, empathy and answers for your feelings, thoughts and questions xx