Following up with my own view of a picnic at Newcastle Island. Krista wrote about the day here and shared quite a few pictures here.

It was a beautiful day. A bit overcast and of course windy over on the island but warm nonetheless. I even got my first freckles of the year after this day out. Cam started a fire, which turned out to be highly illegal being that we didn’t pay for the fire pit use or the firewood the park’s service supply for a fee. Thankfully we didn’t find all this out until we were putting the fire out to move on. 

We had lunch, the kids enjoyed gathering firewood, running around and playing in a big hollow tree stump. Krista whittled sticks for wieners and marshmallows. We walked a ways beachcombing and enjoyed the views. We saw sea lions swimming near fisherman not far off shore. We were reminded of past away family members who would have loved to have been there with us… Or rather they would have loved to wave goodbye to us as they took off in a boat to explore and fish.

Krista’s family had a frisbee that they played with on the way back to the ferry dock. We didn’t have a long day on the island simply because the ferry wasn’t running very late that day. 

Part of the day I felt like I was off in my own little world of introspection. It’s a busy time coming up and a lot of organising and planning is in order. All in all it was a lovely day with friends.


We’ve been to Newcastle Island quite a few times and I’ve written more about it here and here.

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